Raw Chocolate Mousse


Raw, Creamy, Chocolate Mousse made without sugar, butter or milk.

Can you guess what this is?  Even while eating it, if I didn’t know, I could never guess.  I promise you can fool even the kids with this healthy dessert.

Raw Chocolate Mousse topped with Cashew Nut Cream sweetened with Date Paste

2 Ripe Avocados  (Slice, Peel, take the pit out and put in a blender)


1/2 cup cocoa

1/2 cup coconut milk

1 T. coconut oil if desired

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup raw honey or agave or other trusted sweetener

dash of salt

Blend around in the blender till nice and smooth, if you have trouble with it being too thick, just add a bit more coconut milk. It will be like pudding and when you put in fridge it will set up nice and firm.

Bill and I talked about how you could also ice a cake with this or put in the middle of a two layer cake.

We like to do a few wonderful things to our pudding, because if you know me at all, you know that I absolutely cannot go by the recipe without making alterations and additions! 🙂

But, the pudding is just as wonderful on its own.

I like to slice up bananas on top then put a large dollop of Cashew Nut Cream on top of that and then sprinkle some pecans and drizzle some raw honey as a carmel sauce on top of all that.  And you have an amazing dessert.

Cashew Nut Cream

Soak 1 cup cashews in water, just to cover, at least 3 hours or overnight in the fridge.  They will swell up and absorb most of the water.

drain the water off and save it just in case you nee do add to your cream, I usually end up putting in a little to blend.

blend in blender till turns into a paste.  add some of the water and whirl around till it looks like cream.

Now you could use this as is, to make some salad dressings or other things which call for cream.

but I like to sweeten mine and use for whipped cream topping.  Yummy.

I sweeten mine with one or two T. of date paste.

Date Paste

Soak Dates overnight in water and the next day remove the pits and blend together to make a smooth paste.  Store in fridge and use to sweeten any dessert, smoothie, pudding or cook with it.  It is very concentrated and sweet so you don’t have to use much.  I love this flavor even better than honey.  It is a nice reminder of brown sugar and vanilla.

Gluten Free Chicken Alfredo

I have been attempting to go “gluten free” for a while now, it seems that in some ways it is a simple task to eliminate wheat from your diet.  True. But… so many things have wheat in them. 

Take for instance, white sauce.  A base for so many dishes, yet it contains flour as a thickener.

So I got to thinking.  What about oat flour?  It is a thickener, easily accessible and you could make it your self in a pinch.  I mean, most people have oatmeal in the cupboard. 

So I decided to try it.  I make my own oat flour by blending it until smooth.  Then I sift it and store it in my flour bin, which now does not contain any wheat… or gluten.  Ready to go for my favorite recipes. 

Gluten Free Chicken Alfredo

Place in blender and swirl till smooth:

2 Cups milk

2 T. (heaping) oat flour

1/2 cup gouda cheese 

1/2 cup cream cheese 

1 gluten free vegetable or chicken bullion cube (be sure it is MSG free)

1 t. garlic powder or more to taste


spice blend  (I like to use italian herb blend)

optional for spice: cajun seasoning

Saute in Wok:

1 onion chopped

3/4 cup butter 

1 cup chopped baby asparagus

when onion is clear put in chopped chicken.  (4 chicken breasts)

When chicken pieces are free from the pink raw look, swirl the blender once more to mix the cream sauce really well.

Pour slowly into chicken mixture while stirring. 

Simmer till thickened. If you feel it is getting too thick, you can add white wine. (1/2 cup)

Serve over your most delicious gluten free pasta, steamed vegetables, baked potato or rice.