Tomatoes and Other Fruits

You may notice that the tomatoes you buy in the store,  

even some that say “organic”  do not taste quite the same as tomatoes tasted when you were a kid.

Did you ever taste a vine-ripened tomato directly from your garden?  The sweetness and flavors are amazing and with just a sprinkle of salt, you can actually have sliced tomatoes as a meal on its own.

But now days, most companies pack green tomatoes and even sometimes freeze them before they get to your grocery.  By the time you buy them they are sort of a dull pink color and many times when you cut into one it is so disappointing to find a mushy inside!

I have also noticed many fruits being this way and the tastes are far inferior to that of a home grown or farmers market variety.

There is a little trick you may not know.  If the tomatoes have not ripened yet, instead of storing them in your fridge, you can put them on a sunny window sill for a day or two, until the desired ripeness is apparent.  Then, you can store them in your fridge.  When you bring them out to eat, you will be surprised at the delicious taste.

You can also try with peaches, plums and nectarines.

Three Smoothie Recipes

Apricot & Rum
(serves one)
1 cup of milk (non fat)
1 T. Almond Butter
1 t. honey
3 apricots, fresh or dried that have been soaked
1/4 t. rum flavoring
nutmeg (optional)
Dash of Vanilla
4 ice cubes
whirl together in a blender till ice is blended
Banana Raspberry
serves one
1 sweet banana
1 cup milk
1/2 t. vanilla
1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
4 ice cubes
Whirl together in blender till ice is blended.
Chocolate and Almonds
1T. almond butter
1 t. honey
1/2 t. cocoa pwdr.
Mix together and use as a dip or spread
or blend with ice and milk
or blend with hot coffee and milk or just hot milk