Cheesy Zucchini Biscuits

You know the familiar story of too much zucchini.  Well, I don’t have a garden, but there was this sale…  I ended up with too much to eat in one week, so I sliced some and froze for another time.  Turns out that if you plan to use your frozen zucchini in less than 3 months, you don’t have to go through the process of blanching before freezing.

After slicing, I froze in two cup bags.

To thaw I filled my blender half way full of water and  just opened the bag of frozen zucchini, dumped it in the water. I recommend you  let it sit a little while to break them up first, otherwise you will be blending a solid block of zucchini ice. Then I gave it a whirl till it was thoroughly grated.  I did two cups at a time. After getting it to the right size, I strained it through a small hole colander.

Then I let it drain and squeeze out all the water I can and it is ready for me to use for the recipe. You can also pat with a paper towel.

By the way:

This is the trick I use when ever I want to grate any vegetable.  Like when I make coleslaw, carrot cake, cornbread stuffing etc…

You hear a lot about zucchini bread, cakes etc, but how about biscuits?  These melt in your mouth!

Cheesy Zucchini Biscuits


1 cup whole wheat

1 cup unbleached flour

Note: you can substitute gluten free mix if you wish.

1 tablespoon baking powder

8 T. butter

1 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar)

1 bunch green onions,

1 cup zucchini

¾ cup milk

How to make:

1.              Preheat oven to 400°F

2.             Butter a large cookie sheet.

3.             In large mixing bowl, combine flour and baking powder and cut in the butter.

4.             Set aside.

5.             Put zucchini and green onions in food processor or blender- with water- and grate finely.  Drain till dry. Pat dry with a paper towel.

6.             Grate cheese or use blender or food processor to grate or chop.

7.             Mix in the cheese, green onions, and zucchini into the flour mixture.

8.             Stir in the milk, the dough will be sticky.

9.             Drop the dough onto the prepared cookie sheet. About ¼ cup each.  (ice cream scoop works well or measuring cup.  You can round out the edges once the dough is on the baking sheet.

10.Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, edges and peaks will be golden in color.

11.Cool on rack