Stir Fry Granola

Easy Granola


You can stir this granola in a wok!

This recipe saves time (oven methods could take up to two hours) and money (the gas or electricity used by the oven.)


1. Put together in a bowl:

4 cups old fashioned oats

1 cup non fat dry milk powder

1 cup dried fruit (I used cranberries)

½ cup walnuts or almonds ground fine or chopped (my kids are picky about nuts but if I grind them up fine in the blender, they will eat them.

½ cup dried coconut ground fine or chopped (optional)

¼ cup wheat germ (optional)

1 T. Cinnamon


2. In a wok, melt:

1 cup brown sugar

¼ cup water

1 t. vanilla


3. Stir the brown sugar syrup into the oat mixture.


4. pour ½ cup olive oil and heat in the wok.

(you could use melted butter)


5. Add the oat mixture to the oil and butter

Stir until mixture is all mixed and starts to brown.


6. Put out on cookie sheet to dry.


7. Keep in airtight container.


Yields 8 cups and is 111 calories per ¼ cup.