Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cake

Ok, hold on to your seats, I never thought I would say this, but this is a bigger hit than pumpkin pie.

It was requested a second time for our celebration.

If you make three batches, it could serve 35-40 people

Warning:  cut slices small, it is very rich!

1 yellow cake mix

1 egg

8 T melted butter

mix together with electric mixer and pat in a greased dish, I used a cake pan 9X11

make filling:

1- 8 oz. cream cheese -softened to room temp.

1 15 oz can pumpkin or 1 1/2 cups of cooked mashed pumpkin (which is of course what I use)

3 eggs

1 t. vanilla

8 T butter melted

1 16 oz box powdered sugar

1 t. cinnamon

1 t. nutmeg

1/2 t ginger if desired

mix well with electric mixer till smooth.

pour over crust

oven 350 degrees

bake 40 to 50 min. check after 35. if it is getting too brown lower heat a tiny bit or put some foil loosely on top.

The center will be a little gooey but that is ok.

let pan cool completely before cutting.  I make day before and put in fridge. Then before serving, I slather a couple cups of fresh whipped cream over the top and cut.  or you could sprinkle with powdered sugar if you wanted.

Whipped cream

prepare bowl and beaters by placing in the freezer to be very cold

2 c. fresh whipping cream

3 T. icing sugar

1 t. vanilla flavoring

whip till peaks form.  place in container and put in fridge right away.

spread on cake just before serving
