How to do a Christmas Ham

Be sure to buy a “Paris” ham.  These hams are already so delicious even without all the special preparations.  

bay leaves, pineapple rings and/or apricot halves, whole cloves and cherries for decorating. 

thaw ham completely if you have stored in freezer first. 

Place ham on roasting rack.

Score diamonds on the top and stick in the cloves brush on glaze and cover lightly with foil.

bake at 300 rotating halfway through 4 hours for 10 lbs. 

For glaze:

Mix together:

1/2 c. Apricot jam

1/4 cup apricot halves

2 T. mustard (prepared)

3/4 cup maple syrup

2 T. brandy

1 garlic crushed

 place in boiler and over slow heat let all the flavors soak into the apricot halves until they are soft. 

after baking ham halfway through about 11/2 hours.  take it out and baste with glaze and basting juices,  cover again and return to oven.  the internal temperature needs to reach 140 degrees before it is done.  if the tops start to burn lower heat. 

when completely finish brush again and then use the drippings and the glaze and heat together. 

Slice ham and arrange on platter, drizzle glaze mixture all over ham and then save the rest for “gravy” for the meal.

This is the best tasting ham ever! You will be famous! 🙂


Cajun Chicken Soup

In the cold weather, you can’t beat Chicken Soup. I made this video for my newly married daughter last year when we were staying in America for a few months and I just found it today. I thought I would post as it is probably cold in the USA since it is December already. What a good soup to make for a decorating the tree night. I like to eat with garlic toast or brown rice.



How to Bake Your Own Christmas Turkey – 10 easy steps



Baking a turkey sounds so intimidating.  But really it is just like roasting a really large chicken.  There is so much more meat on a turkey and a good turkey is so much better than a chicken. That is why you must buy a Butterball Turkey.

Butterballs are all natural and raised without hormones.  There are no artificial ingredients and it is minimally processed.  However, the processing they do for you is worth the extra pennies or should I say dollars.  You could buy an organic turkey from a farm and my steps would work the same, but I recommend a Butterball, especially for your first turkey experience, because I want you have less hassle and worry. I promise, if you follow these easy steps, your bird will be great!

I did this on a ten pound turkey.  So my cooking directions are for a 10 lb., But I will include a chart at the end to include other sizes and their baking times.

1. Thaw your bird.

If you are going to make on Thursday morning, then you need to take it out of the freezer on Tuesday morning (based on a ten pounder)  Put it on a pan just in case it leaks- mine did not leak at all. Don’t open the packaging or anything. Place in fridge and don’t worry about it till Thanksgiving day.

2. Rinse and prepare.

This is where I am thanking God I bought a Butterball.  Pull the strap around the turkey and it pops right out. No need to use scissors.  Release the legs from under the skin and pull out the gravy pack, put in fridge for later.  Rinse the bird, filling the cavity a couple times with fresh water then just pull the neck out of the cavity and save for gravy and open the top of the bird, there is a flap of skin.  Under the skin is a nice tidy little bag of giblets, heart, liver and other stuff I don’t eat. But it makes great broth for gravy.  Put the neck and giblets in a pot of water and start boiling slowly on the stove, or put in crock pot with 2 cups water on high.

3. Stuff the bird.

I do not like to stuff my turkey with bread stuffing because it takes longer to bake and also I don’t really like digging the stuffing out after it is done.  I feel like you loose a lot of stuffing that way, also I usually make a lot of stuffing and the cavity is not big enough for all and you have to bake in a pan anyway, so I don’t do that step anymore, but you can if you want. Recipe follows for stuffing and gravy.

I like to stuff my turkey with herbs and onions, garlic, and apples.

Just loosely cut and stuff in.  The herbs I like to use are sage and rosemary. I like to use the big sprigs and let them stick out a bit.

4. Prepare for baking.

Grease a big baking pan with olive oil and sprinkle herbs (italian blend) all over the bottom.  Rub turkey with olive oil and seasonings.

Melt 2 sticks of butter for later basting.  add 6 cloves of garlic and herb blend to the butter and set aside.

5. Bake 3 1/2 hours on 325 degrees

Make a foil tent and put over turkey when it starts getting brown.  I check my bird every 30 min. or so and baste several times when it gets near the last 1 1/2 hours.  I pull the whole bird out and place on top of the stove.  I pour a bit of butter with garlic and herbs on about three times during the last hour or so.

If the garlic starts getting too brown, brush off turkey and let it fall into the drippings below and continue to baste with the melted butter. You can use a baster or a brush or just spoon some on.

6. Check for doneness.  stick a meat thermometer into the thigh not touching the bone and if it is 180 degrees, it is done.  If you stuffed with stuffing then the stuffing center must be 165 degrees.

7. Let sit 15 min to 2 hours before carving.

Take bird out and pour remaining butter on bird and cover with foil. Later you will need the drippings but you can just pour them out of the pan and then put the turkey back in the pan and keep covered with foil.

8. Carve.

Remove drumstick, cut leg off holding drumstick and cutting through skin all the way to the joint.  Don’t be afraid. Grab that thing! Remove by pulling out and back using point of knife to disjoint it.  Separate the thigh and drumstick at joint.

Insert fork in upper wing to steady turkey and make a long horizontal cut above wing joint through to body.

Beginning halfway up breast, cut thin slices When knife reaches horizontal cut the slice will fall free.  Continue slicing, starting cut at higher point each time.  You will have carcass left and can use for soup or stew or picking the meat off the bone later.

9. Place on plate

Arrange on plate. I like to cut the meat off the thigh but you could just leave the legs whole if you wish and arrange on plate.  I usually separate the brown and white meat. arrange fresh herbs and fresh cranberries on plate for a garnish. Keep covered with foil till serving time.

10. Serve with a thankful heart.


I like to make the day before if I can, place in pans, cover with foil and then throw in the oven at the last 35 min. of baking the turkey.

Put carrot- cut into four pieces at least, onion, parsley, cilantro, garlic into a blender fill with water.  Run the blender till all carrot is grated. Put into a big pot add more water to make at least 6 cups water. You will need to use for stuffing and gravy.

Add to pot:  Chicken bullion cubes (several) salt, pepper to taste, herbs (dried and fresh as you wish) add two sticks butter.

boil 10 min.

Bread crumbs dry and soft.  Make your own combo. I like to cube some whole wheat bread and also use the white bread crumbs from a bag.  Also make a cornbread and crumble in.  I usually fill a huge mixing bowl with crumbs.  Then add broth and veggies, a little at a time, stirring to make sure all is moist. You want it to be soaked but not mushy.  remember you will be baking so it will too dry if it is not soaked, but you don’t want it to be mushy because then it will take so long and be crusty outside and wet inside.  So be careful.  The bread should not be totally loosing its shape. If you want the stuffing to have the veggies and not the gravy, then you could just pour the liquid through a colander and save the water.  Some of the water will go for your gravy.  Put all the veggies in the stuffing mix then add some of the water till it is like you want it.

Gravy:  Add the broth from the giblets to the other broth you made from the veggies.  Add 1/2 cup cold water with 1/2 cup flour mixed together to form a liquid to pour into the gravy.  Boil gravy on low till you like it.  It will not be thick. If you want thicker gravy, you must mix the flour with some more cool liquid before adding to hot or you will have lumps.  Taste and add other salt or cajun spice, red pepper flakes, herbs etc…

Baking Chart:

Approximate Roasting Times for Stuffed Turkey
Turkey Weight Hours
6 to 8 pounds 3 to 3-1/2 hours
8 to 12 pounds 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 hours
12 to 16 pounds 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 hours
16 to 20 pounds 5-1/2 to 6 hours
20 to 24 pounds 6 to 6-1/2 hours
Approximate Roasting Times for Unstuffed Turkey
Turkey Weight Hours
6 to 8 pounds 2-1/2 to 3 hours
8 to 12 pounds 3 to 4 hours
12 to 16 pounds 4 to 5 hours
16 to 20 pounds 5 to 5-1/2 hours
20 to 24 pounds 5-1/2 to 6 hours

chart credit:

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cake

Ok, hold on to your seats, I never thought I would say this, but this is a bigger hit than pumpkin pie.

It was requested a second time for our celebration.

If you make three batches, it could serve 35-40 people

Warning:  cut slices small, it is very rich!

1 yellow cake mix

1 egg

8 T melted butter

mix together with electric mixer and pat in a greased dish, I used a cake pan 9X11

make filling:

1- 8 oz. cream cheese -softened to room temp.

1 15 oz can pumpkin or 1 1/2 cups of cooked mashed pumpkin (which is of course what I use)

3 eggs

1 t. vanilla

8 T butter melted

1 16 oz box powdered sugar

1 t. cinnamon

1 t. nutmeg

1/2 t ginger if desired

mix well with electric mixer till smooth.

pour over crust

oven 350 degrees

bake 40 to 50 min. check after 35. if it is getting too brown lower heat a tiny bit or put some foil loosely on top.

The center will be a little gooey but that is ok.

let pan cool completely before cutting.  I make day before and put in fridge. Then before serving, I slather a couple cups of fresh whipped cream over the top and cut.  or you could sprinkle with powdered sugar if you wanted.

Whipped cream

prepare bowl and beaters by placing in the freezer to be very cold

2 c. fresh whipping cream

3 T. icing sugar

1 t. vanilla flavoring

whip till peaks form.  place in container and put in fridge right away.

spread on cake just before serving





Pork Loin with seasoned stuffing

I do this for new year, but if you didn’t want to do a turkey for the holidays, I recommend this!

It’s fantastic.

3-5 lb. loin tied


roll out and pound a bit

stuff with:

1 herbed bread crumbs

3 T. butter melted

1/2 onion

1/4 c. pecans

1/4 t. thyme

1/4 t. sage

fill and tie

roast with overlap side down in a roaster, you will have juice

Dust with salt and pepper and garlic powder and herbs if you like

add 1 cup wine, 1 can peaches, sage and thyme

In 325 degree oven, roast uncovered 1 1/2 – 2 hours. If it starts getting too browned, make a tent with foil and cover top.

let stand 10 min so you can slice it.

In the roaster, put on top of the stove and make gravy adding 2 T. flour or more depending on how you like your gravy.  I mix my flour with a little cold water first to temper it so it won’t make lumps.

serves 8


Delectable Green Beans

Thanksgiving is approaching. I have a few recipes to share, old favorites. Not sure how far I will get but this one I have to start off with. It’s been in the family over 40 years.

Delectable Green Beans
Servings: 4

Frozen French-style green beans – 19-ounce package
Water – 1/4 cup
Instant Minced Onion – 1/4 teaspoon
Butter – 2 tablespoons
Flour- 2 tablespoons
Savory – 1/4 teaspoon
Celery Seed- 3/4 teaspoon
Onion power 3/4 teaspoon
Black Pepper – 1/8 teaspoon
Sour cream – 1/2 cup
Swiss cheese – 1/4 cup, shredded

In a saucepan, place beans, water and onion. Cover.Gently simmer for 8 minutes or until just tender; drain.In a skillet, melt butter and stir in flour, and spices.
Add in sour cream and cook until thickened, stirring constantly.
Do not allow to boil. Gradually fold in the beans. pour into a lightly buttered 1-quart casserole, pour the mixture and sprinkle cheese over top.
Broil 4 inches from heat for 4 minutes or until cheese melts.

Very important: Serve hot!

A great side dish!

Lemon Tea Cake

This recipe was adapted from the original cake I discovered from:

I have made this cake several times and it has the most unique and amazing frosting. It has black tea in it! Genius!

I have also tried making this with honey and it is so much better using sugar, so use the raw for a healthier version.

Lemon Cake

Prepare “buttermilk”

1 1/4 cup milk

1 t. vinegar

set aside and allow to clabber

Sift three times:

2 1/5 c sifted cake flour

1 T. baking powder

1/2 t. salt

set aside

cream 1 1/2 cup raw sugar and

8 T. room temperature butter

set aside

in a small bowl mix 4 large egg whites very stiff

add to cream mixture. beat hard.

then alternate adding flour mixture and milk mixture while beating all the while.

Add 2 t. lemon or lime zest if desired

2 t. lemon extract

1 t. almond flavoring

1 t. vanilla

preheat oven to 350

butter pans (2- 8 inch or 3- 6 inch) and line bottom with wax paper.  place pans on baking sheets to keep from getting too brown on the bottoms.

Bake 30 min or till cake is just coming away from the pans.

cool on racks for 5 min.

while warm poke holes in cake and pour on glaze.


1/2 cup sugar

6 T. lemon or lime juice

allow to cook thoroughly then take carefully out of the pan and place on plates.

before assembling lather on a good helping of jam or lemon curd

onto one of the layers.

I have used apricot jam and it is amazing, next I will try raspberry.

If you have three 6 inch layers, you could do lemon curd on one and jam on the other.

Then ice cake as you would any other cake. I like to put the icing on top of the jam, but you could use lemon curd instead.


I doubled this for a generous amount and then kept some in the fridge for other treats, try with lemon tarts!

2 large egg whites

1 cup raw sugar

1/4 t. cream of tartar

1/3 cup strong black tea

1/8 t. salt

to add later if needed:

1/4 cup strong black tea

Beat whites until it is a firm mound but not stiff peaks.

In saucepan boil sugar, cream of tartar, 1/3 cup black tea, and salt

bring to boil  and be sure sugar is dissolved

Boil for 3-4 min. or till it registers 242F degrees on the thermometer.

Begin beating egg whites again and slowly pour hot sugar syrup into the egg mixture.

beat high 7 min.  Stiff silky peaks will form.

You can add 1/4 cup black tea by Tablespoon and beat after each addition until it is like you want it.

Beat 2 min. more and use immediately.

After icing cake, you need to put it in fridge to cool and firm up.

Take cake out just before serving and garnish with dried fruit if desired.

No Bake Cookies


Almost like candy, these cookies are an all time favorite.

The other day, a couple of friends came by to make some at my house.  We adjusted the recipe and loved the outcome.  Be sure not to boil the chocolate mixture past 230F degrees. It becomes clear and at the moment it starts to turn milky looking, it has gone too far.  If that is the case, the mixture will begin to harden before you can get your cookies on the paper.  The recipe actually says, boil one minute, but my experience has been that the sugar must all be dissolved before you start your timing.

But a candy thermometer is the best way to perfectly measure the progress of the candy.

We did not have a candy thermometer, but I find that a meat thermometer works fine too.

No Bake Cookies



1/4 cup peanut butter

3 cups oatmeal

(optional 1/4 cup dried or flaked coconut or nuts or both)

into a large mixing bowl and set aside.

Then put the following into a boiler or a non stick wok:

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup cocoa powder raw or dutch processed

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup butter

boil till dissolved and then to the 230 F degree point. Turn off the stove.

Pour very quickly – and carefully- into the already prepared oat mixture.

Stir till peanut butter is just dissolved.

Then quickly drop onto wax paper

you can use a teaspoon, tablespoon, melon scoop or ice cream scoop for different shapes. The spoon cookies will look more like cookies and a bit flat, the scoops will make more bon, bon type cookies.

They will harden in a few minutes and will be good to eat.

I like to put the cookies in pretty muffin papers and store in bags of six.

Have fun making these!  Definitely a great activity! 🙂



Family Favorite Roast Beef

Roast Beef


1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 package dry onion soup mix
Dash of garlic powder and dried italian herbs
Dash of Cayenne pepper
fresh ground black pepper to taste
1/4 – 1/2 cup water
3 lb. pound pot roast

In a slow cooker place pot roast and coat with soup mixture.

Cook on low setting for 5-8 hours.
Can add round boiling potatoes and a 1/2 package of baby carrots.
Also could add onion and celery (loosely chopped)
Before serving sprinkle with dried italian herbs

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls

A family favorite.

whole wheat cinamon rolls


I recommend using the bread maker for mixing the dough.

1 1/3 cups Water 80 degrees F. or 27 degrees C.
1/4 cup oil
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 cups white flour, 1 cup whole wheat (total 4 cups flour)
1 Tbs. Instant yeast
Middle toppings:
1/2 cup butter
several Tbs. cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar (white)
For Icing:
2 cups powdered sugar
2 T. butter softened
1 tsp. vanilla flavoring
1/4 tsp. almond flavoring
milk to desired thickness. not runny just enough to ice because once the icing hits the hot rolls the icing will melt some and run down into the pan.

mix dough and let rise till double. punch down. roll dough out till one half inch thick and about 9 by 11 inches rectangle.
smooth 1/2 cup softened butter all over the dough.
sprinkle heavily cinnamon until totally covered.
With a tablespoon measure, sprinkle white sugar all over dough until totally covered. Will be about 1/2 cup or more.
roll up dough and pinch to hold it tight, cut slices about one inch wide. place in buttered cake pan and let rise till doubled.
Bake at 350 till golden and then ice. let cool and serve, or store in fridge till later. if you wish to reheat, you may want to ice on top once again.