Lemon Tea Cake

This recipe was adapted from the original cake I discovered from:


I have made this cake several times and it has the most unique and amazing frosting. It has black tea in it! Genius!

I have also tried making this with honey and it is so much better using sugar, so use the raw for a healthier version.

Lemon Cake

Prepare “buttermilk”

1 1/4 cup milk

1 t. vinegar

set aside and allow to clabber

Sift three times:

2 1/5 c sifted cake flour

1 T. baking powder

1/2 t. salt

set aside

cream 1 1/2 cup raw sugar and

8 T. room temperature butter

set aside

in a small bowl mix 4 large egg whites very stiff

add to cream mixture. beat hard.

then alternate adding flour mixture and milk mixture while beating all the while.

Add 2 t. lemon or lime zest if desired

2 t. lemon extract

1 t. almond flavoring

1 t. vanilla

preheat oven to 350

butter pans (2- 8 inch or 3- 6 inch) and line bottom with wax paper.  place pans on baking sheets to keep from getting too brown on the bottoms.

Bake 30 min or till cake is just coming away from the pans.

cool on racks for 5 min.

while warm poke holes in cake and pour on glaze.


1/2 cup sugar

6 T. lemon or lime juice

allow to cook thoroughly then take carefully out of the pan and place on plates.

before assembling lather on a good helping of jam or lemon curd

onto one of the layers.

I have used apricot jam and it is amazing, next I will try raspberry.

If you have three 6 inch layers, you could do lemon curd on one and jam on the other.

Then ice cake as you would any other cake. I like to put the icing on top of the jam, but you could use lemon curd instead.


I doubled this for a generous amount and then kept some in the fridge for other treats, try with lemon tarts!

2 large egg whites

1 cup raw sugar

1/4 t. cream of tartar

1/3 cup strong black tea

1/8 t. salt

to add later if needed:

1/4 cup strong black tea

Beat whites until it is a firm mound but not stiff peaks.

In saucepan boil sugar, cream of tartar, 1/3 cup black tea, and salt

bring to boil  and be sure sugar is dissolved

Boil for 3-4 min. or till it registers 242F degrees on the thermometer.

Begin beating egg whites again and slowly pour hot sugar syrup into the egg mixture.

beat high 7 min.  Stiff silky peaks will form.

You can add 1/4 cup black tea by Tablespoon and beat after each addition until it is like you want it.

Beat 2 min. more and use immediately.

After icing cake, you need to put it in fridge to cool and firm up.

Take cake out just before serving and garnish with dried fruit if desired.