Ratatouille – The French Stew


French Ratatouille


2 large eggplants (If you don’t have eggplant, no worries, you can substitute more squash. I like to use yellow squash)

6-8 medium zucchini  (or more if you are not using eggplant)

2 purple  onions sliced or chopped
3  red sweet peppers sliced or chopped

4 large tomatoes  (select the roma or beefsteak variety if possible. If you let ripen on your window seal till it is dark red, your stew will be even more amazing.)

1 1/2 – 2 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 cloves garlic or more if you like it spicy!
1 bay leaf
1/4 cup fresh basil

1 T. Herbes de Provence 

dash of cayenne pepper flakes or ground

Spices to taste:

Salt and pepper, Cajun spices, Soy sauce, red wine or stock and a bit of sugar or honey.

Prepare the eggplant.  cut in cubes and soak in salt water to remove bitterness.  I also like to soak my zucchini as well.

saute oil and garlic in wok

stir fry onions till clear. add eggplant and squash and peppers.

Stir Fry with lid on to force the eggplant and squash to soften.  Stir frequently.

add herbs, spices and tomatoes add a little water or canned tomatoes if you like

Place in dutch oven and simmer for at least 30 min. or up to one hour on low heat or put in crock pot for several hours on low.

Crock pot meals are great because you can fix up a bunch in the morning and come back in the evening and you have your meal all hot and ready for you.

This can also be made ahead of time and reheated.

Serve with brown rice.