Spicy, Cheesy, Cornbread



In the southern United States, people love to eat cornbread with beans and rice, bean soup, chili, and other things.

When my mom was a kid, she crumbled up her cornbread in her buttermilk and ate it like cereal.

Thank you to the American Indians who first introduced this wonderful bread to us.

2 Cups Cornmeal- in Thailand, cornmeal is hard to find so I use polenta mix or have made my own from fresh pop corn, ground in the blender with the grinder attachment.  (she must really like her cornbread!)

1/4 cup whole wheat flour or gluten free mix

1 egg

1/4 cup oil

1 1/3 cup milk

one small can cream corn

1/4 cup cheddar or jack cheese or any combo of cheese, (shredded)  I use my blender to shred cheese.

1/4 cup chilies in a can or roast your own and scrape from the peeling once it is cool.

1 T. raw sugar or honey

dash salt

sprinkle of black pepper

heat oil in skillet in a 425F degree oven and pour in batter once it is hot.  It will sizzle so be careful.

bake at 425 for 25 min. or until it starts to pull away from the sides and the center is firm.  You can test with a toothpick if desired.






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