Perfect Food Raw


from Garden of Life:


Yes, Indeed! I do take this stuff every morning.  I have been taking all sorts of things for the last 30 years to boost my energy and make me feel good.  Well, look no further.  Perfect for when you must be on the move and really don’t have time to cook.  One glass of this and you will feel like you had a meal.  You can take the capsules with you where ever you go in a little baggy and if you start to get hungry, faint or whatever, you can take these with water and it will tide you over.

Great for college students!

I feel great when I take this and when I run out, I can sure tell.  It keeps me from getting sick, keeps my immune system up and also includes probiotics.

Get this today at Vitamin World or local health food store or you could order from

Here is the site that tells you more about it.

Let me know what you think