Raw Candy

f16c16a858c911e29bac22000a9f13d0_6Bill and I have been trying to eat healthier lately.  You know the rap, less sugar, more honey. Less butter, more coconut oil.  Less bread more vegetables.  So how is it going?  Pretty good.  The holidays are more difficult though.  If one only had an alternative candy, that was truly delicious and could be waiting in the fridge for when those “hungry-s” attack.

Enter Healthy Raw Candy!

I did this twice and I will share both versions.

Takes about 5 min to throw together…ok…maybe 10.  But it is fast, I promise.

Raw Candy

1 cup oats

2/3 cup coconut flakes

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/4 cup dried cranberries

1/3 cup honey

1 t. vanilla

shake of cinnamon

Mix and roll into little walnut size balls. Refrigerate in covered container for at least 30 min.  When they get cool, they dry out a bit and can be easily held in your hand.


Second time:

Raw Candy with Chocolate

1 cup oats

1/2 c. coconut butter

1/4 cup peanut butter or 2/3 cup ground nuts

1/4 cup sesame seeds

1/4 cup cranberries dried

1/2 cup chocolate chips or other chocolate morsels

1/3 c. honey

1 t. vanilla

extra cinnamon

roll into balls and place covered in refrigerator for half hour.

These will keep up to one week in fridge.

2 thoughts on “Raw Candy

  1. Like a lot of wordpress readers, I DO know the rap. I’ve been experimenting with stevia instead of sugar, as well, with some success. i wonder how we get the message out to people who DONT blog about healthy eating 🙂

Let me know what you think